The Arabian Peninsula known as Arabia is a peninsula located in Western Asia in the northeast of Africa on the Arabian plate. It is on the junction of Africa and Asia. It is east of Ethiopia and northern Somalia, south of Israel and Palestinian. It is known for it's physical features such as the plentiful precipitation, the Red sea, desert terrain, fertile farmland or soil, petroleum reserves and dry climate.
A continental shelf is the edge of a continent that lies under the ocean. Continents are the seven main divisions of land on Earth
Divergent plate boundaries occur when two tectonic plates are moving apart, such as the Eurasian Plate and the North American Plate. As the plate move apart energy, can be released as an earthquake. In the place of the lithosphere that is being dragged apart, magma can seep through as a volcanic eruption. In some cases the new volcanoes can for mountains along the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, dividing the tectonic plates. It can also cause a rift valley.
They are caused by human influences and natural ecological processes
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Part of studying the weather means looking at climate, or the weather patterns over a long period of time. Research done in Antarctica have given scientists a better idea of climate change, or how the climate and weather change over time.