seismic waves
waves show stuff like how the respond and flow through the mantle and I also looked it up so if that helps ☺️
Answer: B
Explanation: B is showing how a farmer(Im going to assume) is giving treats/bigger meals to goats that are giving the most produce this choice reminded me of a dog getting treats if it does a good job.
The countries that adopt the International Model Forest Program will benefit from sustainable forest management.
The International Model Forest Program is a program that promotes sustainable forest management, thus the countries that adopt benefit from developing sustainable forest management. This is excellent from several different perspectives, such as:
- recreation
- economy
- ecology
- biodiversity
If the forests are sustainable, than it means that they will be able to prosper, thus maintaining their well being, as well as the well being of the communities of animals and plants in them. Also, this means that there can be economic benefits without destroying the forests, and this can be done by planting new saplings on the places were trees have been cut, and also by gathering forest fruits, herbs, and mushrooms.
The recreation part is too very important. The people will have a beautiful place in nature for recreation, where they can relax and enjoy, have fresh air, and educate themselves about nature first hand.
Learn more about biodiversity
Nepal. Bhutan Thailand, there are many more.
<u><em>Prawidłowa odpowiedź to C) ludzie budowali wiele obszarów, aby przekształcić je w pola uprawne.
Naturalne krajobrazy to fragmenty ziemi, które pozostają pod wpływem populacji ludzkiej. Jest to również określane jako pustkowie. Ta ziemia ma zarówno żywe, jak i nieożywione rzeczy swobodnie współistniejące ze sobą zgodnie z ich własną wolą.
Istnieje 6 głównych rodzajów krajobrazów.
Ich nazwy to pustynia, równina, mokradła, góra, lodowiec, las i polarne regiony Ziemi.
Są one dalej podzielone na różne typy, takie jak las tropikalny, las tropikalny itp.
Ziemia ta jest również zachowywana na różne sposoby, tj. Kiedy jest wykorzystywana przez ludzi do uprawy itp.