Depends on what you’re talking about I mean in the case of getting with Romeo it would be the nurse
1) Explain the double crown:
~ Pschent. The pschent was the double crown worn by rulers in ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians generally referred to it as sekhemty, the Two Powerful Ones. It combined the White Hedjet Crown of Upper Egypt and the Red Deshret Crown of Lower Egypt. The Pschent represented the pharaoh's power over all of unified Egypt.
2) Why did Egyptian pharaohs build such huge monuments?
~ The Egyptians believed in the afterlife, they believed after everything died, they should be brought to the afterlife and have a great time there too, hence they built monuments to respect their people!
3) How were Egyptians protected due geography?
~ The Egyptians were protected from invaders due to their geographical features. For example, they had the Mediterranean Sea to the north along with the Nile Delta. This body of water blocks off land on the other side. If intruders were to come to Egypt, they would have to go by boat. In conclusion, Egypt had a lot of important stuff!
Ciudadanía por Naturalización
La naturalización es el proceso por medio del cual se otorga la ciudadanía estadounidense a un ciudadano extranjero después que este haya cumplido con los requisitos establecidos por el Congreso de los Estados Unidos en la Ley de Inmigración y Nacionalidad (INA, por sus siglas en inglés).
Para más información, vea el Manual de Políticas de USCIS sobre Guías de Ciudadanía y Naturalización.
Your welcome a plumber takes 2 years a construction manager takes 3 years and an architect takes 7 years hope this helps lol
I put this in a question and it was deleted but it is true
Today is a good day I helped my friend pass her class and she did to be honest I didn’t even know the questions but I did my best and I helped read this if you feel down because you are worth it you are beautiful or handsome and the best I felt like taking myself out of this world would be best until I found my friends and my girlfriend monea who is the best and guys and girls if you feel you are never gonna find love that’s where your wrong and if you are lesbian bisexual gay or trans that is. Fine and if your scared to tell your parents don’t be your parents will love you for who you are have a great day, a merry Christmas, and a happy new year everybody