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Schröder, Martin. “How Moral Arguments Influence Economic Decisions and Organizational Legitimacy—the Case of Offshoring Production.” Organization, vol. 20, no. 4, Aug. 2012, pp. 551–76, doi:10.1177/1350508412448223.
When answering someone professionally
The poem White Man's Burden is written by Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling, a British poet, justifies the Euro-centric idea of racial supremacy and Imperialist ideology of civilizing the non white race in his peom in 1899. The moral obligation of colonizers or the white men is to take the burden of civilizing the barbaric and undeveloped world of the colonies known as "White Man's Burden". It is a mission that white man must embark upon that has received a lot of criticism for its racist approach.
Back it's been a stressful day we moved today but to be honest, I don't know how to feel about it I'm happy because I get to meet new people but I'm sad I left my friends back at my old house. I don't know what to expect here but you never know if it could be fun. That's all for today talk to you next time.
<h3>What are diary writing and an example?</h3>
Diary is a unique document of a person to store his/ her emotions, thoughts or emotions on daily basis. You can write about whatever you like, free of outside judgment or complaint. It should be an attachment of your mind: safe and unrestricted.
Thus, this could be the answer.
To learn more about diary writing click here:
Me and im typing this other stuff because i have to