Edwin Hubble used the Doppler effect to determine that the universe is expanding. After years of scientific research and observation of different celestial bodies through a telescope, Hubble found that the light from distant galaxies was shifted towards the red end of the spectrum. This red shift indicates that stars are moving away from us and from each other. This phenomenon is called the 'expansion of the universe', also known as the big band theory.
The A antibodies will produce A antibodies and B antibodies will produce B antibodies
Muscles contract rapidly to produce heat on a cold day.
They inhibit lh and fsh hormone this stop the maturation of follicles henve they are not released and sperm has nothing to fuse so fertilisation doesn't occur
Climate change can melt ice in cold regions, and because ice is freshwater it can change the salinity of the oceans. Some marine animals may not cope with these conditions and may die as a result. This threatens biodiversity because there would be less species of marine life in our oceans.