A. It always ends in -ly.
number 1 is the last answer (how trust worthy she is)
Three hundred four million nine hundred sixty seven thousand
1. a. General statement to particular thesis.
2. c. Don't give a repetition of facts word for word.
3. a. Fragment - Although he rarely goes. to the mall, to the store, on vacation, to a party, to school.
4. a. Fragment - When the stone hit the window. , it shattered., , the stone bounced off., , my father yelled at me.
5. b. comma-splice - the comma or and not both
6. c. no error
7. b. comma-splice - think, I have ever missed <-------fragmented due to the missing of have (I have never missed my appointment., I may have missed my appointment.)
8. c. no error found
B because it gives a commentary view on the situation