Jane Addams initiated a movement under which School Of Social Work was created in the University of Chicago. This institution supported new studies, especially for women.
Jane Addams joined a movement which worked hard for the rights of women. It was due to their hard work that women were given the right to vote.
As the vice president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, Jane Addams worked hard for improving the social conditions of women.
Romulus Augustulus established the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire began when Augustus Caesar assumed the position of the first emperor of Rome and ended, in the west, when the last Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus, was dethroned by the Germanic King Odoacer.
first there are people and there was business and cars and dog and homes and presidents and wars and bascilly evet thing that was invented that we still use
Some of the natural defenses that human bodies have to help keep pathogens our include cilia tears and skin
C. Because the law reigns supreme over all the citizens of a country