"The Gift of the Magi" remains a popular story for its sentimental narrative, with moral lessons around Christmas time. With timeless themes of youth, love, relationships, money struggles and Christmas it remains universally popular.
<em>It is important to read good books </em><u><em>that have good plots. (A)</em></u>
The blank in the sentence is thus filled aptly by ‘that have good plots’. This is because it is grammatically correct and acceptable. A book is an object and thus the word the adjective ‘that’ goes with it. "That" is used for referring an object, person or an idea. It involves something which is already known of like books with good plots are known to people.
I think D would be the best choice
because when being bias you can be against it or for it and D has all of those things unlike A,B,or C. They focus on just one negative or positive aspect
Answer: Effie has something in her eye, and her father is very concerned about her
because sometime cats are wise