Claims of Cause and Effect:
Did it happen?
Does it exist?
Is it good or bad?
What should be
our criteria in
If you are claiming that something is better or worse in relation to something else, you are making a claim of value. For example,
Video games are a waste of time,
sports are the best way to build
character, and savings
accounts are the
worst way to
accumulate wealth,
are all values
The symbol of commuters as birds illustrates how they come and go without ever experiencing the city.
They go from city to suburb, from the air to it's roost, one could say, but never get to experience what the city has to offer. They don't have the freedom to come and go, because they go there to work. Meaning, having to fulfill some economic needs, responsabilities, etc. They don't go because they feel like going.
They do offer something positive though because, again, they go there to work. A city -a society- needs its body of workers. It needs people to work, doesen't matter if it's from a suburb or not.
The symbolism of the suburbs as a "roost" expresses the safety and comfort of the commuter’s home is wrong because he says:
"The suburb he inhabits has no essential vitality of its own". It is pictured as something sad, empty.
First of all, leaving family and friends and going to the war needs a lot of courage to do...and after going there if you are going to fight against your own country, first of all you feel guilty for doing such a thing, second of all you will never make it against your own country, because even if you win the war you will feel guilty for rest of your life which is like you lost.... It is a very hard time difficulty for sure if things are going to happen like this
I would probably not fight against but for my country
The answer I think is true from common sense