Less than 4-5 sentences?? I'll take the challenge!!! :))
Ya have to wait about 90 days until you can take the vaccine and get immunity from Cov id-19. The macrophages in your body will help ya fightin and be immune to this darn virus!! Your antibody made by the B cells will get ya helpin in the vaccine!! Before ya do the immunity vaccine test though, you'll be taken through a Antigen test to diagnose what ya have. Then ya will get immune by taking the vaccine than later!! :)))
1st blank: "acini", 2nd blank: "pancreatic islets or islets of Langerhorns."
Hope my answer has helped you and if not i'm sorry.
*Search the alphabetical index for a diagnostic term
*Check the tabular list
*Read the code's instructions
*If it's an injury or trauma,add a seventh character
*If glaucoma, you may need to add a seventh character too
Bactoprenol is indeed a peptidoglycan transporters that cycles monomers and places them somewhere at cell wall's growth point.
As bacitracin binds to this bactoprenol, the orientation of the peptidoglycan to the cell membrane fluidizes, allowing potassium ions to move from the protoplasts.
As a result of interfering with cell wall production and changing membrane potential, the bacterial cell is lysed.
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