The ancient civilizations developed law codes and the idea of divine kingship based off of what they knew. Law codes, like the code of Hamurabi, were made by the rulers according to the divine belefs. We have the similar example in Islamic countries today, that are secular but also take the law of Sheriat.
The cause of the civil rights movement was to stop the racism with black people and have them be as equal as other people. After the civil rights movement people stopped being racist to black people in public places and in jobs.
The impact that the Beat Generation had on America was no way insignificant. It was because of the Beat Generation that people began to question the society they lived in and stepped out of it. The Beat Generation also set precedent for many important things such as the hippies and anti-war movement.
The 'cat and mouse' act came into being in 1913. It was introduced to weaken the Suffragettes led by Emmeline Christabel Pankhurst. The liberal government of Asquith had been highly embarrassed by the hunger strike tactic of the Suffragettes. This simple act greatly embarrassed the gorvernment.
If this helps then write down in comments
Ww1 and the growth of the u.s as an industrial superpower