War of the Austrian Succession. the war (1740–48) in which Austria, England, and the Netherlands contradicted Prussia, France, and Spain over the choice of rulers for regions inside the Austrian Empire.
I hope the answer will help you.
Opening statement
prosecutions case
defense case
direct examination
redirect examination
cross examination
recross examination
closing arguments
charge to the jury
I’m not sure, but this should help you a little bit.
“The Immigration and Nationality Services of Act of 1965 was a turning point in United States policy regarding immigration. While changing previous legislation that functioned on a rigid quota system, the Act of 1965 gave preference to refugees and families, removed quotas from countries in the Western Hemisphere, and based entry to the United States on levels of skill. In forty years since, the foreign-born population of the United States has tripled in number, now prompting new legislative debate.”
Option: (4) limit consumption by rationing goods.
During World War I and World War II, many governments introduce a ration system which brought a balance in the economy in various countries. Every nation established a system of rationing that would fairly distribute foods and other goods that were in short supply. Certain food items rationed included sugar, meat, cooking oil, and canned goods.