Why? Haces is for a sentence that says, "Tú haces".
Hace is for a sentence that says, "El hace".
Hacen is for a sentence that says, "Ellos hacen".
2. Ellos hacen. Why? Hago is for a sentence that says, "Yo hago". Haces is for a sentence that says, "Tú haces". Hace is for a sentence that says, "Ella hace".
3. Nosotros hacemos.
Why? Hago is for a sentence that says, "Yo hago".
Haces is for a sentence that says, "Tú haces".
Hacen is for a sentence that says, "Ellos hacen"
4. Escucho a la maestra.
Why? Hago estudio is not a sentence in Spanish, it makes no sense.
Hago escribo also makes no sense in Spanish.
Hago miro la television makes no sense as well.
5. Nosotros bailamos.
Why? Ustedes bailan is for a question that asks, "¿Que hacemos nosotros?".
Yo bailo is an answer for a question that asks, "¿Que haces tú?".
Ellos bailan is for a question that asks, "¿Que hacen ellos?"