Ratification of the 13th Amendment “HAD NO INFLUENCE ON” the voting strength of the Southern States
No. European countries wanted colonies because they wanted to gain more wealth. Gold and silver from the colonies made the countries richer. Another reason was for the raw materials that they needed for their factories. Getting raw materials from the colonies was much cheaper than buying from other countries. One more reason was the desire for land and power. Having colonies made replenishing supplies easier and in case of war, the colonies could be used as military bases.
America is named after Amerigo Vespucci.
It is named after this man because he was the explorer who set forth the revolutionary concepts that the lands that Christopher Columbus in 1492 were part of a separate continent.
Are there answer choices? A good answer if not could be I live in Florida and there are seagulls, so Florida must not be the state referenced.
Deductive reasoning is a specific conclusion that follows a general theory.
He was responsible for Portugal's influence in the Great Age of Exploration. Because of him Portuguese explorers were the first to sail to Africa's Gambian river.