If the might and eminence of a country consist in its surplus of gold, silver, and all other things necessary or convenient for
its subsistence, derived, so far as possible, from its own resources (colonies and conquered territories included), without dependence upon other countries, and in the proper fostering, use, and application of these, then it follows that a general national economy . . . should consider how such a surplus, fostering, and enjoyment can be brought about, without dependence upon others, or where this is not feasible in every respect, with as little dependence as possible upon foreign countries, and sparing use of the country's own cash.
If the might and eminence of a country consist in its surplus of gold, silver, and all other things necessary or convenient for its subsistence, derived, so far as possible, from its own resources (colonies and conquered territories included), [ without dependence upon other countries, and in the proper fostering, use, and application of these, then it follows that a general national economy . . . should consider how such a surplus, fostering, and enjoyment can be brought about, without dependence upon others, or where this is not feasible in every respect, with as little dependence as possible upon foreign countries, and sparing use of the country's own cash."This text above is an example of mercantilism.
The phase of the writing process that involves checking the content to see if the essay was detailed and supports the statement is the revising phase. This is an important phase during the writing of a thesis. This will help find mistakes and you can change things is need be. The correct answer is B.