Answer: Everyone lives in misery and fear. At that point, Winston believes he may be fantasizing, believing and seeing things that are not really there, because the only official record is from The Party. Winston suspects that history to be false, but then begins to doubt himself.
1. Chris ate spaghetti every day last week.
2. When I came into the room, two boys were playing football.
3. Peter turned on the TV, but nothing happened.
4. While we ran in the park, Mary fell over
5. While I listened to music, I heard the doorbell.
6. I broke my pen while I was doing my homework.
Answer C, just finished this school work, please give brainliest!! good luck my friend
C. The incarnation of Mr.Hyde turns Dr. Jekyll into an evil person who seeks only his own pleasures.
Mr. Hyde is an evil nature person. He is smaller in height from Mr.Jekyll but he wants to be dominant on Mr.Jekyll. The Hyde is mysterious and violent person but Mr.Jekyll is Friendly and calm person. He is less powered and weak person whereas Mr.Hyde is strong and powerful person.