The American colonies of 1760, did many Americans consider themselves British? Did they consider themselves Englishmen, even if born in the colonies? Also, am I right in the impression that a resident of Massachusetts would be the least likely to identify as British? That they were the most independent minded, even in 1760?
You should write a report on Google Docs( if you have Chrome) or Mircosoft Word ( if you have mac). Do the steps one by one. If they're is a rubric... follow it. May I ask what grade you are in?
Orthodoxy - a belief or orientation agreeing with conventional standards
Heterodoxy - a belief or orientation agreeing with unconventional standards
God is who christain people worship they think your atheist because you dont know who his is most of americas population worships god
1) Abraham Lincoln faced the collapse of the union and the abolition of slavery as president
2) Jefferson Davis (1808-1889) was a Mexican war hero, U.S. senator of war and president of the confederate states of war and president of the Confederate states of America for the duration of the American Cilvil War
3) Davis faced difficulties throughout the war as he struggled to manage the southern war effort maintain control the confederate economy and keep new nations united.