Gutenberg’s genius invention was to create a set of letters that could be pressed into “matrix” material, which was then filled with a lead alloy to make type. You got one of each letter in a font of type. If you needed 100 of the letter E, you molded what you needed. If a letter was starting to wear out, you threw it back in the pot and made a new one. Gutenberg's printing press spread literature to the masses for the first time in an efficient, durable way, shoving Europe headlong into the original information age. Being able to print in quantity meant more people could gain access to learning, and more people could create new ideas.
Hehe, I just learned these.
The answer is: Plain folks.
Thank you so much for the invitation to speak today. My name is XXX and I’m an XXXX. My research is on child poverty, social exclusion, and children’s participation. So today I'm gonna talk about child rights.
Children’s rights is a topic which is very much in the limelight of the world today. Parents are more concerned about the development of their child rather than the rights of the child. One does not have to be a parent to understand the importance of children rights. Children are the future of the world. They are the ones who will be able to contribute to the development of the country. They have a right to education, health and proper nutrition. Therefore, the rights of every child should be protected.
Child labour is a serious issue in every country. The painful reality that children have to work in order to contribute to the family income is an issue that has been debated about many times and is still in courts every day. Child rights are a subject of debate which engages many people, especially in developed countries. Despite this, the concept is one that needs to be taken seriously, as it has immense implications for children.
Hope it helps:)
A. With too much knowledge for the sceptic side
This essay by Pope is essentially related to the Enlightment ideals of knowledge and reason above all else. There is no need fo God because it is man´s duty to find answers, doubt and ask questions. Only man will know the answers to the questions of man.
learning competency I think