The chorus fights for the benefit of the entire community and what the choir always says has an argument, just like the replicas of others characters. Another important part of the choir is to introduce us to the mythical story that tragedy relies on, which is very important to us today because almost every surviving tragedy is based on some mythical story. It is not necessarily a mythical story, but also some real historical event. In this case, the chorus provides us with the necessary information and context without which our understanding of the tragedies would be greatly impeded.
- If the emphasis was on actors, acting as in a later tragedy, the choir played a purely supporting, supporting role. Sometimes a choir of 15 people stood in three rows of five people each, that is, in five kinds.
- Comedy choirs often had an even number and had a different schedule, depending on the setting. The choir, sorted by type, enters the stage singing an intro song, and was eventually answered by the exit song with which the action ended. After the opening song, the choir sang stasimon, standing songs sung by the choir after taking their place on stage and which at times had a digressive element.
- In most cases, the choirist came in front of the choir, which gave a musical background to the declamation, so in such a structure the choir displayed and interpreted its stage parties through declamation, singing and declamation.
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China tenía una cultura milenaria que había sobrevivido a toda clase de amenazas extranjeras. De una forma u otra, por mucho que cambiara la persona, la dinastía y la etnia que ejercía el poder, la cultura china había salido airosa de las influencias extranjeras. De hecho, los conquistadores siempre habían acabado por someterse a la tradición china.
Nada podía hacer sospechar, a principio del siglo XIX, que China sufriera una transformación que acabaría con esta cultura guardada durante siglos y, que además, acabaría siendo dominada por las potencias europeas bajo la impotente mirada de la dinastía Qing. A finales del siglo XVIII, los contactos con Europa no dejaban de ser meras anécdotas para los chinos. Ni siquiera los jesuitas que habían empezado a llegar a las tierras asiáticas parecían suponer un problema.
Bien recibidos por el entonces emperador Kangxi, los jesiutas parecieron olvidar su principal cometido, las enseñanzas cristianas, e iniciaron una labor de estudio de la propia cultura china. No es de extrañar que emisarios papeles fueran enviados a poner fin a la actividad de estos.
Tampoco los productos que traían los europeos causaban sensación entre la población china, ni siquiera entre sus clases más altas. Es más, sucedía todo lo contrario, los europeos se encontraban mucho más interesados por las manufacturas chinas.
Louis Pasteur is the inventor.
Benefit: The Romans introduced the sakia 2,300 years ago and they are still used today to raise water from underground wells. Some farmers now use electrical pumps to take water from the Nile onto farmland. Crops grown along the Nile and fish caught in the river provide food for the people of Egypt.
Threat: Despite its importance, the Nile is still heavily polluted in Egypt by waste water and rubbish poured directly into it, as well as agricultural runoff and industrial waste, with consequences for biodiversity, especially fishing and human health.
Federal power
Delegated (sometimes called enumerated or expressed) powers are specifically granted to the federal government in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. This includes the power to coin money, to regulate commerce, to declare war, to raise and maintain armed forces, and to establish a Post Office.
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