Answer: dem unbekannten maler anselm kiefer
I just searched that paint in google and thats what appears
It looks so cooool
Byeeeeeee Remember to stan BTS , Wear Your Mask, And Drink Water
Wooden or rattan furniture and handicrafts, woven abaca or pinacloth, and various handcrafted or carved toys and trinkets seen in rural regions, were manufactured from indigenous raw materials. Weaving is often done using natural fibers such as rattan, bamboo, nipa leaves, abaca, and pina.
technlogical advancement. Please divide your essay and give each time period a specific paragraph
Movement. It is one of the Principles of Art.
Movement is a principle of design found in an artwork wherein its usage is to give the sensation of action by creating the look and feel of an action within the artwork. The movement found within the artwork will guide the viewer's eye to see the artwork as a whole and not by its pieces.
Other Principles of Art are Rhythm, Balance, Emphasis, Proportion, Gradation, Harmony, and Variety.