Dante compares the souls of the condemned boarding Charon's boat as follows: “As in the autumn the leaves peel away, / One follo
wing another, until the bough / Sees all its treasures spread upon the ground.” This simile suggests that the souls of the dead ___________________. 1) will be reborn in "spring"
2) have no will of their own, moving like leaves in the mercy of the wind
3) are patient and orderly
4) appreciate the beauty of each other once gathered like "treasures"
The answer is: 2) have no will of their own, moving like leaves in the mercy of the wind
Dante is describing how the people souls get into the Charon's boat, they are just being lead by him, with no willing on their own, just being pull down to hell by the winds of the destiny to get their condemnation for their sins.