Barbara's mistake was trusting the ad and not double-checking it to see if it was a scam or not. She just immediately started to enter her credit card information. She could've inspected the ad more and she would've seen it was fake. Barbara should cancel her credit card moving on and also learn a lesson about spending her money online. Next time if she wants to purchase a movie online, look at a site that has good reviews. This might help her out.
Agamemnon finds that buying forgiveness is impossible
As Agamemnon and Achilles had conflict over the possession of a woman named Briseis, Achilles felt betrayed by the public disgrace he suffered by the Agamemnon's demand and possession of Briseis.
However, In an attempt to bring Achilles back into the battle against Troy, Agamemnon sent Odysseus, Great Ajax, and the elderly Phoenix to offer a peace proposal and other gifts to Achilles. Achilles on the other hand refused the offer, hence, his refusal to the offer made "Agamemnon finds that buying forgiveness is impossible
1. She learned about maturity in life from chess rules. She said we must be wise enough to make good decisions in life. In the end, you will be sorry you made a wrong decision that speed things up in the short term. When you are in the middle of something, do not brag about how much you have done. It could have negative consequences for you. People who are captured should be kept in neat rows, like well-cared-for prisoners. Never say "Check” with vanity, lest someone with an unseen sword slit your throat. Never hurl pieces into the sandbox after you have lost a game, because then you must find them again, by yourself, after apologizing to all around you". Keep your flaws and flaws in mind when you think about the things you have done.
2. Waverly's mother thinks that Waverly's success is all down to luck, not challenging work. You should always say what is polite, even if you do not really mean it. Mother: Waverly's mother is very humble in public. She tells people who admire Waverly's chess skills that it "is luck" for them to show "proper... humility" (p. 96). Though Waverly learned that she is smart and has the skills to succeed—ambition, coolness under pressure, and patience—she did not believe that she could succeed. She has also learned how to use her brain to solve problems. She is no longer afraid to be herself. Waverly learns how to play chess through challenging work and by reading and practicing on her own. At the same time, she builds up an invisible strength that allows her to win at chess. "Luck" is not what she would say.
"I learned about opening moves and why it's important to control the center early on; the shortest distance between two points is straight down the middle. I learned about the middle game and why tactics between two adversaries are like clashing ideas; the one who plays better has the clearest plans for both attacking and getting out of traps. I learned why it is essential in the endgame to have foresight, a mathematical understanding of all possible moves, and patience; all weaknesses and advantages become evident to a strong adversary and obscured to a tiring opponent." (p.94) Waverly reflects on how she gained life lessons from chess. Waverly had remarkable success in chess and later in her profession. Waverly achieved harsh success by applying chess lessons in life. She had a different life than her companion, June, whom she considered as a competitor.
3. Waverly started winning chess games because she realized the mistakes she made and the different strategies she used while playing with Lau Po. Waverly has developed more skills and strength since he assisted her, even after gathering information from books to beat other chess opponents. I know this since the text states, "I lost many games and many Life Savers.”
Here's what I came up with...
you were just recharging your brain and nothing was going on.