It would be King Leopold II of Belgium that saw the nation of Congo as an opportunity for Belgium to acquire its first colony and compete with other European powers in imperialism and colonization race in the world. He was known for his harsh and cruel treatment to the native inhabitants in Congo.
Geography The Age of Exploration caused ideas, technology, plants, and animals to be exchanged around the world. Government Several European countries competed for colonies overseas, both in Asia and the Americas. Economics Developments during the Age of Exploration led to the origins of modern capitalism.
Our heritage I believe is truly reflected in the things we say and do. For example, in Canada we have a strong pioneering spirit so that means that Canadians generally are not afraid to face the wilderness. For example, our geologists regularly go to work in say the Far North and brave the cold and the isolation to carry out their explorations.
False as far as i know
France and England have a history of fighting each other. this question depends on the time period, if your talking 18th century and back, i doubt the answer is true.
I believe, due to my research, that the answer is A. In the Mayflower Compact, they had their first democratic government and in order to make that successful, you would want to make rules that are fair to the people and yourself! Hope this helps! =)