The poet Ampleforth is the character who was surprisingly thrown in the cell with Winston, the main character.
The surprise isn't really that the poet was jailed, but that he ended up in the same cell as Winston, after all, he had been slipping forbiden words into his poem's "translations" before, a very punishable offense.
Yes because it shows how far this country has come from enslaving those with a different skin color to to now voting for him to be the president of our country showing a major evaluation.
Answer:Evidence explains the importance of the writers reasons
I believe the correct answer is: iambic pentameter.
The first line “Not marble, nor the gilded monuments” of William Shakespeare’s “Sonnet LV” is written in iambic pentameter, the line of verse which consists of five metrical feet, one short (or unstressed) syllable followed by one long (or stressed) syllable. Therefore, every second syllable is emphasized.