My favorite snow day activity would be making a SNOWMAN.First my morning would start off with my mother waking me up.We would usually watch the news channel for a bit before getting ready for school.This is when the news channel started to report on the weather.They said there was a huge chance a BLIZZARD would hit so schools were going to be canceled.
After the WEATHER REPORT I would quickly look out the window before putting on coat, BOOTS, and MITTENS.When I stepped outside I shivered it sure was FREEZING out but my excitement to play made me want to stay out.After playing outside for a bit my cousins had decided to come over.We went SLEDDING, SKATING, SKIING, and even SNOWBOARDING.It was really fun after we ended the day with watching a Christmas moving and drinking HOT CHOCOLATE.
They most likely wanted slaves to be afraid so they did not collect the courage to escape or disobey. With low self esteem they might not try anything.