Nom - Nomus, Noma, Namum
Gen - Genus, Gena, Genum
Dat - Datus, Data, Datum
Acc - Accus, Acca, Accum
Abl - Ablus, Abla, Ablum
Nom - Nomuses, Nomas, Namumes
Gen - Genuses, Genas, Genumes
Dat - Datuses, Datas, Datumes
Acc - Accuses, Accas, Accumes
Abl - Abluses, Ablas, Ablumes<span />
I will help you just post the assighnments so I can help you.<span />
Translated to English this is
I like character which is characteristic of a happy prince
This is hindi translated to english
Henry David Thoreau was born in 1817 in Concord, Massachusetts. He then was introduce to the countryside at a very young age thus this contact gave a lifelong fascination. Thoreau was able to study Harvard and became an individualist. In his work, My Life Has Been the Poem the answer would be b. Straightforward
Hasta luego mi amigo.
Hasta luego mi amigo nos vemos otra vez.
Hasta luego mi amigo ojalá que los vemos otra vez.