In the history of medicine, Islamic medicine, also known as Arabic medicine, refers to the science of medicine developed in the Islamic Golden Age, and written in Arabic, the lingua franca of Islamic civilization.
Islamic medicine preserved, systematized and developed the medical knowledge of classical antiquity, including the major traditions of Hippocrates, Galen and Dioscorides. During the post-classical era, Islamic medicine was the most advanced in the world, integrating concepts of the ancient Greek, Roman, Persian as well as the ancient Indian traditions of Ayurveda. At the same time, the knowledge of the classical medicine was nearly lost to the medieval medicine of Western Europe, only to be regained by European physicians when they became familiar with Islamic medical authors during the Renaissance of the 12th century.
Medieval Islamic physicians largely retained their authority until the rise of medicine as a part of the natural sciences, beginning with the Age of Enlightenment, nearly six hundred years after their textbooks were written. Aspects of their writings remain of interest to physicians even today.
The Jurassic was a golden age for the large herbivorous dinosaurs known as the sauropods—Camarasaurus, Apatosaurus, Diplodocus, Brachiosaurus, and many others—that roamed the land late in the period; their foraging grounds were either the prairies of ferns, palm-like cycads and bennettitales
hope i helped :D
<span>Bureaucracy takes its course, then It goes out to sit on the steps of the Capitol and sing its story to passing children and then it takes for ever to be <span>assigned to the corresponding committee. Then they take their vacations while the bill is sitting their growing fungi, when they get back from their vacations <span>they forgot to bring their brains back with them because they left them at home. So it takes forever to pass if it passes.</span></span></span>
I believe the correct answer from the choices listed above is option A. The factor that led to the success of the Mughal Empire would be that they <span>invaded a land, took the wealth, and left the people to govern themselves. Hope this answers the question.
Yes. People usually hire others to influence government officials. For example,we are told that in 2016 Taiwanese officials hired an American senator to set up a phone call with Donald Trump and the Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen.