Answer choices:
Many- the phrase "very many makes sense.
A little- the phrase- "very a little" doesn't make sense.
A few- the phrase "very a few" doesn't make sense.
Some- the phrase "very some" doesn't make sense.
Less- the phrase "very less" doesn't make sense.
Fewer- the phrase "very fewer" doesn't make sense.
Several - the phrase "very several" doesn't make sense.
Much- the phrase "very much" makes sense.
However, taken in context, much is correct in this sentence.
We don’t get very many mail on Saturdays; most of it comes during the week.
We don’t get very much mail on Saturdays; most of it comes during the week.
A narrow Fellow in the Grass is the most brilliant poem I have ever read because it talks about an exploration of fear by using a snake as the catalyst for that fear. "A narrow Fellow in the Grass Occasionally rides -" This shows an emotion that exists in balance with comfort, as is suggested by the characterization the fearful snake as a “fellow.
Once in A Lifetime is from the 2nd part of Jhumpa Lahiri's Unaccustomed Earth which is the collection of short stories. Like the other stories this story also deals with the cultural issues of Bengali Americans. Told from the perspective of the third-person, according to the option C, the narrator tells the difference of the modest house of her friend in this excerpt.