1. if we are born in Japan or China our name will most likely have a meaning like grace or kindness like Asahi (朝日) means Morning Sun, while in america or britian if we have a name like emma maybe it was just a name our parents liked or we were named after someone.
2. if our identity is made by someone else or forced upon us we may not feel comfortable or secure with that identity. if we dont make our own little adjustments then that will never truely be the identity you feel comfortable with.
i hope this helped i apologize if it didnt
शब्द विषय एक कहानी को अन्तर्निहित अर्थ को रूप मा परिभाषित गर्न सकिन्छ। यो सन्देश हो कि लेखक कथा को माध्यम बाट व्यक्त गर्न को लागी कोशिश गरीरहेको छ। अक्सर एक कथा को विषय जीवन को बारे मा एक व्यापक सन्देश हो। एउटा कथाको विषयवस्तु महत्त्वपूर्ण छ किनकि एउटा कथाको विषयवस्तु लेखकले कथा लेख्नुको कारण हो
nonrenewable reasources---> limited supply, will run out some point in time, greatly harm the enviornment
renewable resources---> replenish naturally, unlimited, don't affect the enviornment
I understand the alphabet and pronunciation for Hangul. If you wish, I can explain it to you the best I can on IG. It's the best way to start understanding the language, I studied the alphabet for a while so I have a basic understanding.