The presence of mustones by curiosity rover indicates chances of ancient life.
- The Yellowknife bay is a geologic formation of the Gale crater on the planet Mars and NASA named the rover as a curiosity. Its primary goal was to assess the potential habitability and whether the mars are capable to support life.
- The presence of the mudstones in the geologic depression area on mars leads to its name as Yellowknife i.e the capital of the northwest territory of Canada.
- The findings of the mudstone from the stepped bedded stata indicate the clay minerals that show the presence of water and claims that an ancient creator was found on in this region and these indicators of a potential mafic source of origin of deposition.
Many South Africans had to live in make-shift shelters such
as tents after war. This was due to the
scorched earth policy that the British used against Boer commandos that led to the
weakening of their resolve. Prior to
this, families were also rounded up and placed in camps guarded by the British
which demoralized the Boers.
Answer: c. Over the span of 10 to 1,000 years, groundwater behaves as a renewable resource.
The Zagros are a mountain range in Iran. Basically on the windward side of the range it'll be really wet and on the lee ward side it'll be dry probably even a desert. The warm moist air is forced up the mountain where the cooler temperatures at the top cause condensation so it rains. Dry on the other side. The main range in Turkey are called the Taurus mountains.
Weather is a complex phenomena. in order to solve engineering problems such as the prediction of weather, we utilize degrees of freedom (DoF)... weather is one of the many elements that need millions of DoF and still cannot accurately predict it. mainly it's a vector analysis much akin to finite element analysis where each micro degree of freedom or say molecule of air is represented as one point interconnected in a web of points and each point's properties are altered relatively (similar principles how autonomous mini drones coordinate synchoronously) to each other.
many factors are considered: pressure, temperature and density of the air for sure. friction factors. drag factors. rotation of the earth. and that's the natural phenomena. include the heat given off the land, the radiation from the sun, airplanes, people, etc... its highly complicated. having done a weather station project, it's fair to say that there isn't a simple answer to your simple question. we measured wind direction, wind current, temp and humidity, visibility, pressure, etc... and we couls measure these things, but can't really say why say the wind went east or west... except tell you that its because of millions of degrees of freedom interacting with each other simultaneously and some things like weather are just like that.