Seafloor mapping during WWI and the Cold War had revealed the details of the physical structure of the ocean ridge system, and discovery of magnetic stripes on the ocean floor was the crucial turning point in development of plate tectonic theory. when deep-sea line soundings (bathymetric surveys) were routinely made in the Atlantic and Caribbean.
Subduction happens in Location A but not in Location B.
In the two descriptions, we have two different types of plate boundaries. At location A, where the plates collide, and one moves over the other while the other is pushed downward, we have a convergent plate boundary. At location B, where the plates slide past each other, we have a transform plate boundary.
- At location A, a subduction zone will occur. The subduction zone will appear at the point where the two plates collide, and if it is in the ocean, there will be a trench, if it is on land, a mountain chain will be forming.
- At location B, there will not be a subduction zone, instead, there will be a fault. A fault will occur because of the sliding past each other of the plates, as they create big pressure between each other, so at the boundary itself, there will be cracks in the crust where the crust is under immense pressure and it often results in earthquakes.
Beginning with Earth, then Jupiter, followed by Saturn, then Uranus, and finally Neptune
The distance of these planets from the sun is as follows. This is the average distance as the distance changes with the position of the planet in its orbit.
Earth = 150 million km
Jupiter = 779 million km
Saturn = 1.43 billion km
Uranus = 2.88 billion km
Neptune = 4.5 billion km
Dalit means "oppressed" (option b).
the origin of the word is in Marathi, and it's what they call themselves. By others they are called "untouchables"/
Western Mountains, plateaus, and basins
Located near Wyoming