<em>The trail of tears was caused by someone being a crybaby. If it has to do with the past people like 1867 or George Washington or something then you know that it was caused by one of those 18th century crybabies because history literally points out that they were almost always complaining about something. Oh and sure they made some "smart" moves but let's be realistic here, why would someone need to cry about something not being right with armor for battle or something? If I were on of the training officers back then I would have taken the armor from those who complained and pushed them onto the front lines wearing some rinky-dinky clothes. Wanna complain? Get on the front lines. </em>
<em>and THESE are the people who our teachers praise, pffft get real.</em>
<em>Love memeing the past.</em>
As soon as she arrived she went straight to the kitchen to see if the monkey was there. It was,
what a relief! She wouldn't have liked to admit that her Mother had been right. Monkeys at a birthday?
Her mother had sneered.
“Get away with you, believing any nonsense you're told!” She was cross, but not because of the
monkey, the girl thought; it's just because of the party.
"I don't like you going," she told her. "It's a rich people's party."
"Rich people go to Heaven too," said the girl, who studied religion at school.
"Get away with Heaven," said the mother.
"I’m going because I’ve been invited," she said. "And I’ve been invited because Luciana is my friend.
To be successful, you need to have a good mindset about your goals. Make sure you never give up and work the hardest you can. Even if it means having hours and hours of labor and minimum hours of rest. Everyone wants to be successful, but not everyone wants to work for it.
We need to see what you’re working on that doesn’t help us help you