Technology helps in dealing with economic emergencies like food shortage and disasters. Technology is used to study the existing environmental conditions in order for farmers to be guided with the right crops to plant at specific seasons to ensure maximum yields. In terms of disasters, technology is used for disaster risk reduction and management. This is done in order to minimize the effects that disasters have on the resources.
Stalin felt the Soviets Union needed the Eastern European nations as satellites to protect their own interests. The fact that Nazi Germany had invaded Germany in World War II and millions of Soviet lives were lost provided Stalin's justification for loyal states along the Soviet border.
Historical context:
US president Franklin Roosevelt, British prime minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet premier Joseph Stalin, the leaders of the Allies in World War II, met at Yalta in February, 1945.
Churchill in particular (along with Roosevelt) pushed strongly for Stalin to allow free elections to take place in the nations of Europe after the war. At that time Stalin agreed, but there was a strong feeling by the other leaders that he might renege on that promise. The Soviets never did allow those free elections to occur. Later, Winston Churchill wrote, ""Our hopeful assumptions were soon to be falsified." A line of countries in Eastern Europe came into line with the USSR and communism. Churchill later would say an "iron curtain" had fallen between Western and Eastern Europe.
I believe that is the Mayflower Compact
The basic difference is for whose benefit the Tax went to.
During the British revolution, the Tax that being paid went to the Federal budget of the British Government in order to fund their wars.
On the other hand, if the civilians do not pay the taxes for their own taxes, they pretty much do not contribute to the infrastructure development of their own nation.
Language helped the Islamic empire to unite under the Abbasid Dynasty, which was the Arabic Language. It was easier to communicate and understand each other by speaking one language and having one religion (belief.) The correct answer is (c.) Arabic Language.