Both get something from the relationship. The fungus gets (4..................................) and (5..........................
.........) from its partner as it carries out (6...................................) . The alga or bacterium gets (7. ..................................) and (8. ..................................) from the fungus. It’s a perfect relationship! Together, this pair can grow on (9...................................) , creating (10...................................) where there was none. what should go on the blank spaces with the following words; sugars, soil, photosynthesis, rock, water, minerals, or oxygen
They may have ran out of oxygen, or they may not have been water dwelling snails, as not all are, lack of food, no flow of water into and out of the tank would cause them to run out of oxygen.
the carbon cycle, decomposers break down dead material from plants and other organisms and release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, where it's available to plants for photosynthesis. hope that helped xc