The 1920s was a decade of lots social changes. The most obvious signals of change were the rise of a consumer-oriented economy and of mass entertainment, which helped to bring about a "revolution in morals and manners." Sexual mores, gender roles, hair styles, and dress all changed profoundly during the 1920s.
Answer:The largest reason why immigration is an economic issue boils down to resource management. Every country has limited and accounted for resources which it used to distribute as evenly as possible to it's citizens and has laws in place to keep that balance in place so as to not disrupt that countries overall economy. But when you begin to allow the influx of immigrants into a country, those resources can become to be too far stretched thin and therefore leave an issue for the citizens of that set country. For example, if a country has corn as their main food resource and it uses that corn to evenly distribute among it's citizens, it has taken into account how much corn is needed to produce each year so that way the country at sustainable levels. But if there was to be an influx of immigrants and too many people began coming into that set country, yet the government and it's own people were not adequately prepared to produce more corn than is needed for the influx of immigrants, than that can lead to inflation prices on the corn, shortage of food, etc.
legislative:make the law
Executive: enforce the law
Judiciary:Judge the law
How have modern ethnic and nationalist disputes caused conflict?
--> Many ethnic conflicts are rooted in a specific kind of nationalism, in which the sense of belonging to a nation-state is defined purely by ethnicity. This makes ethnic minorities outsiders within the nation-state, and violence is often the result.
How has terrorism affected the world?
--> The breakdown of controls in the former Soviet empire has complemented the larger global trends by opening up even more operating areas for transnational terrorists, especially Middle Eastern extremists. The emergence of the conflict in Chechnya as a new jihad has accelerated this trend.
What were the major causes of genocide in the twentieth century?
--> One of the main causes was Nazi racial ideology. The Nazis thought Jews and Romas were 'racially inferior' to the German people. Millions of Jews were murdered under the Nazi regime, as well as tens of thousands of Romas. Because the genocides occurred during World War II, the Nazi regime was able to kill many people from many different countries, including Poland, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Union, France, and Romania.