Nanotechnology is a field of producing materials and devices from atoms and molecules.
Nanotechnology is a field that concerned with producing materials and devices from atoms and molecules. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter in size. Nanotechnology can be used to “recognize” the cells of interest which allows associated drugs to reach diseased tissue without damaging healthy cells. Nanotechnology produces new and faster kinds of computers, more efficient power sources and more effective medical treatments. Main disadvantages include threats to security, privacy, health and the environment. More research must be done in this field to get more benefits from it.
presence of flagella
shows absence of cell wall, though chloroplast may be present
slime mold belongs in this category
absence of cell wall, as well as chloroplast
feeds on decaying matter enclosed by a membrane called a pellicle.
Derived from the inner cells of a human blastocysts , a very early human embryo.
At the blastocyst stage, five to 10 days after fertilization,
the embryo is a cluster of 100-200 cells
No, because the immune system is already battling with the virus or disease