B - Involves wit and irony. C - A message of ethical reform
For satire to be really identified, it must show signs of irony, humor, and wittiness. These characteristics help show the satire. It should be a message of ethical reform to make the vice laughable and humorous.
I would be fit to be a judge because I feel I have a pretty fair judgement. Everyone thinks that of themselves but do they really. I stop and I put myself in other peoples shoes, I stop and think how it would be in their position. I’m interested in this role because I want to make a change in this world like everyone else does. I would like to leave a dent in our system, a good one. I can make a difference.
Yes, because that’s your friend and you should always try your best to be truthful and your friend did ask for your opinion. You should tell your friend how you feel, but let her know that you don’t know their bf/gf that well so your observations could be totally wrong.
<span>The speaker retells a story from Greek mythology, the rape of the girl Leda by the god Zeus, who had assumed the form of a swan. Leda felt a sudden blow, with the “great wings” of the swan still beating above her. Her thighs were caressed by “the dark webs,” and the nape of her neck was caught in his bill; he held “her helpless breast upon his breast.” </span>