They expected Polyphemus, the cyclops, to be welcoming since they are guests. In greek culture, guests are to be treated with food and such, but Polyphemus pays no mind to this and instead eats some of Odysseus's companions.
The correct option is FREE VERSE.
Free verses refers to those lines in poems, which have no set meter, no rhyme scheme, or any specific structure. Free verses is consider to be an open form of poetry, which does not use any consistent pattern in term of rhyme, meter, etc.
Synagogues are a place to gather together.
Attending a 'Synagogue' is part of Jewish tradition where in synagogues they celebrate a boy or girl 13 years of maturity. Where as, in Jewish tradition 13 years of a child- the child is knowledgeable about their Jewish roots and becomes apart as a Jewish adult (treated and challenged as a adult.)
Valediction is the act of saying farewell.
Love, courage, and sacrifice are the major themes of this poem. The poem celebrates the true love of its central characters; Bess and the highwayman. Both try to keep their promise, but cruel fate separates them, and they are killed. However, their souls reunite after death.