No, grandparents is a common noun, therefore you don't capitalize it. It would be different if you had the names of the grandparents. Like if your grandma is named Martha. You would have to capitalize their name since it is a proper noun
The Aztec skill at engineering was demonstrated after about 1300 by the establishment of Tenochtitlan or the precursor to Mexico City built on an island on the west side of Lake Texcoco. Causeways were constructed to the island with bridges that could be opened to prevent attack by enemies. Also, aqueducts were built to bring freshwater to the city and levees were built to separate brackish water from fresh, spring water.
The media play a very important role in shaping the public's opinion. Changes in media coverage reveal changes in the cultural perspective on news as well. Through the years, media coverage evolved. Using technology and the way they cover news, it tells us that the media is evolving.