Edward Hyde was the first governor of North Carolina colony
A recent study of college students from low-SES backgrounds and high-SES backgrounds conducted by VanKim and Laska showed that college students from low-SES backgrounds ate more fast food and fewer fruits and vegetables than their higher-SES counterparts. According to them "Higher nutritional knowledge, which is associated with a greater SES, is associated with engagement in more healthful weight-loss methods".
Correct answers are:
A. Dictatorship of the Roman emperors
B. Inefficiency of the Roman soldiers
Option A is correct because Roman emperors were rather incompetent. Their region was harsh and people didn't like them in general. That made internal problems in the country.
Option B is also correct because through time Roman army lost its stability and discipline. Many mercenaries were part of it, and this led to its inefficiency.
Option C is not correct as new capital that was created on the east was the source of stability on the East. But, Western Empire had its own problems.
Both parties search for common ground or areas of mutual agreement in order to solve a conflict.
A consensus is a general agreement that includes the viewpoint of two or more conflicting parties. Consensus-building is crucial for democracy because democracy is built on the foundation that difference should be tolerated, respected, and taken into account to take decisions.
Consensus leads to policies that partially satisfy each faction's views without fully satisfying them. This makes radical elements in a democracy to reject consensus policies because radicals seek to impose their views over others.
Consensus building is therefore, a trait typical of moderate policymakers who seek peaceful resolutions of conflicting views, and who try to find common ground.
Answer:Apartheid was a political and social system in South Africa during the era of White minority rule. It enforced racial discrimination against non-Whites, mainly focused on skin colour and facial features. This existed in the twentieth century, from 1948 until the early-1990s.............thank you....