You will have some time to complete this assignment and will submit your completed work in the the "Explore Submission" assignme
nt later in the course. Bread is a staple food in France and other francophone countries. Using the internet or other sources, research information about French bread in France or other francophone countries.
What different types of bread are there? During what meals is it usually eaten? Why is bread such a common food in France or the francophone country you chose? Why is it so important to the French culture? Did you ever eat French bread? What kind? Is French bread a common food in your household? Do you like French bread? What do you eat it with?
In English, write one paragraph answering these questions about French bread.
le pain français
French bread
*You may use outside sources (Internet, books, magazines, etc.) to gather information for this assignment. However, be sure not to copy the information directly from those sources. Copying information and presenting it as your own work is considered plagiarism and will result in a failing grade. You will need to rephrase the information into your own words and cite the source of the information you used.
1.Baguette. Ficelle. Brioche. Fougasse. Pain de campagne. Pain complet.
2. They eat it at every meal - breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea (le goûter), apéritifs, dinner
3.Bread so enormously important to the French people, that at the time of the French Revolution in the late 1700's, the average Frenchman was reported to have eaten three pounds a day of bread. If bread supplies ran short, or the quality was bad, riots resulted.