Answer: C. Paralinguistic codes are the melodic components of speech and nonlinguistic cues are non speech behaviors that accompany the speaker's words.
Paralinguistic means non-verbal elements of communication which are used in modifying meaning and also conveying emotion. Some nonverbal elements which are used in modifying our speeches include stress, pause, intonation, emphasis etc
Nonlinguistic conveys information without using language and these include body postures, eye contact, body movement, gestures, etc.
Aries March 21st – April 19th
Taurus April 19th – May 20th
Gemini May 20th – June 20th
Cancer June 20th – July 22nd
Leo July 22nd – August 22nd
Virgo August 22nd – September 22nd
Libra September 22nd – October 23rd
Scorpio October 23rd – November 21st
Sagittarius November 21st – December 21st
Capricorn December 21st- January 19th
Aquarius January 20th – February 18th
Pisces February 18th – March 20th
This Movement is an act of trying to stop sexual assault with a large variety of
local and international related names. The phrase "Me Too" was initially used in this circumstance on social media in 2006, on Myspace, (and old social media platform), by sexual harassment survivor and activist Tarana Burke. They're trying to stop this from happening to all backgrounds and races.
If you are sorting by last name it is B Jenny Douglas.
if you are sorting by first name it is A Denise Thomas