Freedom related similes and metaphors? Let me think.
- "Freedom is like a free bird" (because it can do freely whatever it wants without noone stopping him)
- "A free slave is like a bird whose been set free from it's cage"
- "Actors and rich men are caged in a prison like locked up birds with no freedom"
I don't have the slightest idea about what to write for metaphors. But, i'll send you a link.
the reason why this was such an amazing scene in the book is because it was flooded up to throughout the entire book in itself, and it really lets us know how the relationship between the owner and his pets are.
just tog with c because any time you don't know the answer you have a good chance of getting it right when you choose c
As the principal, it has come to my attention that my students does not like my decision of having to wear a uniform. To me personally, I believe uniforms will make the school more presentable. Not only that, it looks way more professional than what my current students wore in the past. Though you may not like it, it is now part of the requirements. Have a nice day.