The statement above is TRUE.
Critics' comments are usually acidic and negative in tone. One advantage of paraphrasing such comment is that one has the power to make appropriate word choice that will reduce the attack intensity of such comments.
B) electron - negative charge.
The synthesis of RNA from a DNA template.
We know that transcription is the first step in gene expression. In the transcription process, information from a gene is used to build a functional product such as a protein. The primary goal of transcription is to produce an RNA copy of a gene's from a DNA sequence.
For a protein-coding gene, the RNA copy, or transcript, carries that information that is needed to build a polypeptide.
Eukaryotic transcripts need to go through some processing steps before starting of translation into proteins.
It appears that the same lifestyle factors that contribute to the development of Cerebrovascular disease also increase the risk for vascular dementia. Vascular dementia describes the problems with reasoning, planning, judgement, memory and other thought processes caused by brain damage from impaired blood flow in the brain.