Life in an imagined cottage at Innisfree is peaceful, idyllic, happy. Bees and crickets buzz and sing, there are various colors and nuances of life. On the other hand, the speaker's current life is dreary and grey, which we suspect even from the beginning, but the speaker confirms it explicitly in the last two lines. He dreams of a different life while he is stuck in the colorless, grim reality of the urban environment where he lives.
both fathers are violent and negative
what play is it, im confused what ur looking for
Huh I don’t understand ur question
I can get a good deck for the next few days and I can get it to you for your time zone are u in bats in the morning so I don't think I have a good friend of mine who knows what will get to see if you have any other clan is the best way to get in the clan and I will be at work tomorrow at the bridge ☹️