Circe is jealous that Odysseus is leaving her for a mortal and would rather keep him stuck on the island out of spite.
The best answer for the question is the theater. The motion pictures offered an escape from the drudgery of everyday life in the 1930s, and the theater suffered at the hand of the new technology.
The correct answer is option 3 that Scouts reference to the mockingbird suggest she has come to understand that was is legal isnt neccesarily right.
This is understood by Scout as Boo is in jail because he killed someone in self defense. She believes he should not be punishee because he wass saving them and that is not fair.
What terrible offense can result from romantic pursuits,
What great fights can arise from trivial things,
I sing- this poem for Caryll, muse is needed:
Even Belinda can do me the favor of reading this verse
The subject of the poem is trivial, but the praise could be great
If she (Belinda) inspires and he (Caryll) approves my poem.
Tell me, what strange motive could compel a well bred Lord (aristocrat or a gentleman) to assault a gentle girl?
Tell me, what even stranger cause, as yet unheard of,
could compel a gentle girl to reject a Lord?
Small men can undertake such bold actions
And soft-hearted women can hold so much anger?