Answer: India's movements achieved independence through nonviolent protest, while Vietnam's movements only succeeded through violent conflict
The Watergate Scandal
Ultimately, Richard Nixon resigned the presidency to avoid impeachment for his role in covering up the Watergate break-ins. The Pentagon Papers were related to this, because the "Plumbers" group that perpetrated the Watergate break-ins were formed because of leaks of confidential information like the Pentagon Papers. And the Saturday night massacre was related also, because that refers to Nixon's firing of the special counsel who was investigating Watergate and the subsequent resignations of the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General. But it was the Watergate Scandal itself that was at the center of Nixon's downfall.
Muckrakers were journalists who were trying to expose problems in American society. These problems could be social, economic, or political.
A perfect example of muckraking would be the book "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair. This book took a look at the working conditions of workers in the meat-packing industry in Chicago. These disgusting practices used by this industry and the unsanitary conditions it resulted in caused outrage among American citizens. This demand for change resulted in President Teddy Roosevelt passing the Meat Inspection Act of 1906.
This law ensured that meat-packing companies followed certain safety and sanitary guidelines.
He supported civil rights. He helped create the Civil Rights Act of 1957. He valued African American lives just as he did White Americans.
Article IV, section 2 of the United States Constitution helps define the relationships between the state and federal governments by stating that citizens of different states are equal under the law. This means that the people from any state are entitled of privileges and immunities in all of the states of the country