During Act 2 scene 3, friar laurence says "is rosaline that thou didst love so dear, so soon forsaken? (...) The sun not yet thy sighs from heaven clears, thy old groans ring yet in mine ancient ears." Basically, he thinks Romeo musnt truly be in love with Juliet if he had just a couple days or so ago been crying over Rosaline not liking him back. He's reluctant towards romeo's requests to marry juliet because he thinks its too soon for romeo to know he is in love with juliet.
A work that has “coherence” presents ideas that are logically arranged to help the reader better understand the text.
Coherence in a text is essential to provide the reader a smooth reading experience. A text is coherent when certain characteristics are met: topics are related and follow a logical order, vocabulary is easy to read and straightforward, grammar structures add cohesion and clarity, literary resources are correctly used (example: parallelism).
B- She has become bitter and even angrier about her destiny.
Doing an essay was simple if you first created an outline of introduction, body paragraphs, evidence for support, conclusion, and restate.