Redemption is possible.
Explanation: When you lie once are you a bad person? No, this is because you can better yourself as a person. You can learn to do better. We have asylums for the criminally insane to redeem themselves and cases have proven people can quite certainly change.
Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King
According to the view of Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget, younger children base their moral judgments more on consequences, whereas older children base their judgments more on intentions.
Piaget realized that the ideas children have concerning rules, moral judgments, and punishment were not static, but variated depending on their age. To be clearer, according to Piaget, there were stages for both their cognitive and moral development. Younger children have different moral judgments than older children.
Its irony, if the man is so great why would he hang him