Explanation: Between 1936 and 1937, much to the dismay of President Roosevelt, Congress passed the Neutrality Acts, which included an act forbidding Americans from sailing on ships flying the flag of a belligerent nation or trading arms with warring nations. The isolationism policy restricted trade between the US and other countries. This lead to a limited amount of foreign resources and also export income. Also lacking because of the isolationism
The Committee on Public Information was formed to create a propaganda campaign to try to get more people to enlist in the army during World War 1.
This committee was established in 1917 and used until 1919, with the end of the war. Roughly 75,000 volunteers were used. They could create posters and flyers and even published their newspaper known as the Official Bulletin. They would spread success stories that would encourage men to sign up to fight oversees and for people to donate money to the war efforts.
The Harrisburg Pennsylvanian and The Literary Digest polls were the pioneers on conducting presidential straw polls in The United States. The Harrisburg Pennsylvanian did the first vote poll in 1824, while The Literary Digest started in the year 1916.
Both newspapers are remembered not only for being the pioneers on using this specific type of polling, but also for what the results that these threw showed the population. In the case of The Harrisburg Pennsylvanian, although the results of the poll during the presidential race between Andrew Jackson and Quincy Adams were correct ( Jackson got the majority of the votes against Adams), they were not a representation of who the actual winner was going to be, as Adams became the president when the election was thrown to the House of Representatives for a lack of electoral votes.
Meanwhile, The Literary Digest got the accurate results wit the presidential polls they conducted from the year 1916 until 1932. but everything came to an end with the presidential election of 1936, where the magazine predicted that Alfred Landon was going to defeat Franklin D Roosevelt.
The public learned from the results that although sometimes accurate, if polls are using bad sampling techniques, they are most probably going to be inaccurate at some point. Straw polls, although commonly used to see the opinion of the masses on different matters, are not considered scientific enough to use for important affairs such an presidential race.
Today the process is known as pasteurization. Shifting focus, in 1865,Pasteur helped save the silk industry. Heproved that microbes were attacking healthy silkworm eggs, causing an unknown disease, and that the disease would be eliminated if the microbes were eliminated.