1. Authority: power and /or right to enforce obedience and make decisions over a group
2. commerce: exchange of goods by purchase , trade, or sale
3. federal: government formed by a union of smaller groups (states) in agreement
4. government: system of authority over a group of people
5. Import: goods brought into a country for the purpose of trade
6. intangible: that cannot be felt by touching, immaterial
there are rumors saying that they are killing people that have cov-id, but i think they are actually listening to the governer.
Answer:I don't know if you are trying to say to us if it's true or false, if it's, it's true
If you copy that you are answering appears a web site that say to you that you want or I think so
The correct answer is: "inmigration"
Nativism refers to a political approach that supports native inhabitants over inmigrants and which seeks to impose restrictions on inmigration. Its supporters never call themselves nativists or racists, they prefer to define themselve as patriots instead. Many arguments are used to support the nativist viewpoint, for example, stating that there is unemployed people in the US because inmigrants come to steal their jobs, or that inmigrants generate more public spending that revenue, etc.
Spain is not a German occupied territory by 1943.